South-East Asia, this illness the first time it was reported during 1953 in Manila, furthermore spread to various countries.In Indonesia personally, the DBD illness was reported the first time in Surabaya and the Special Capital District of Jakarta.Initially this DBD illness was the urban illness and attacked especially age children under 5 years.However, with the development of this illness time afterwards only was not contagious in the area of urban areas, but also spread to the area of rural areas.The age of the sufferer also tended to shift attacked the mature age.The spread method of the DBD illness was through the Aedes mosquitoes bite aegypti that menggit the sufferer DBD was afterwards spread to the healthy person.
There were several factors that influenced the spreading and the spread of the DBD illness, that is fast urbanisation, the development of the development in the area of rural areas, the shortage of clean water supplies, the ease of the transport that caused the ease of the interregional human traffic, the existence of global warming that could influence bionomik the Aedes vector aegypti.
Eradication efforts of dengue fever consisted of 3 matters.
- The Increase in the activity surveilans the illness and surveilans the vector,
- The early diagnosis and early medical treatment,
- The Increase in eradication efforts of the vector penular the DBD illness.