Was like this results of the research that was done by the The supervisor Body Medicine and Food (Military Police) co-operated with the School Of Medicine and the Farmasi Universitas Airlangga Faculty (Unair) Surabaya, that since 2003 researched the extract of the guava leaves for medical treatment of DBD. In the beginning stage of the research was begun with the testing of the preclinic. Results of the research was explained by the Head of the Military Police Body Drs Sampurno MBA in Jakarta, on Wednesday
As is known, DBD was the illness that was caused by the dengue fever virus with the death rate and quite high pain.Until this DBD medical treatment still was suportif, that is overcame lost the plasma liquid resulting from the increase permeabilitas capillary blood vessels.
Named in the book of Foods that Heal, Foods that Harm that 90 gram the guava more than enough satisfied the requirement for vitamin C for the daily to the adult. The same book mentioned despite has lost almost 25 percent his vitamins because of the process of the processing, juice of the box of the package guava was still being the source of good vitamin C.