Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2007

The Spread of the Mosquitoes Culture Aedes Aegypti

Giving abate was eradication efforts to pinch Aedes mosquitoes aegypti with chemicals.
Larvasida that is used usually temephos, in the form of butiran sand or granul.
The dose that was used was one ppm or 10 gram (one level tablespoon) for each 100 litre water.
Abatisasi by this means was effective for three months.
In principle abatisasi was carried out to the pool of water that was accommodated in a place or the vessel, that was not hit by the Sun rays directly and was not directly in contact with the land.

Place kinds The spread of the culture Aedes mosquitoes aegypti that was recommended to diabatisasi was the place of the water reception for the everyday need.
For example, the drum, the tank of the water reception, tempayan, the bath, the TOILET basin, and the bucket.

Moreover still had the place of the water reception that not for the everyday need, for example the place drank birds, the flower vase, the ants trap, and second-hand things (the tyre, tin, the bottle, plastic, et cetera).

There was also the place of the natural water reception, like the tree hole, the stone hole, pelepah the leaves, the coconut coconut shell, pelepah bananas, and the bamboo discount.

All the places of this water reception were recommended to be closed and cleaned in an orderly fashion or diabatisasi.

Places that were not needed but potential accommodated water better be buried.
As for the natural place of a kind of hole in the tree or in the stone could be closed with cement.
The pot that contained small fish not was the place that must be given abate.
Even, maintained the eater's fish pinched, like the head fish of tin, the fish gupi, was one of the eradication efforts pinched that really was recommended.

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